Artificial Intelligence’s (AI) Growing Role in Security

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to help with a variety of security and surveillance applications, boosting crime prevention and property damage prevention at the source.

Here at Prodis we understand the power of Artificial Intelligence as part of customised surveillance solutions, and we have partnered with the best to bring you the best in AI security solutions.

MOBOTIX Analytics AI recognizes objects (people, animals, vehicles). The application reliably detects the movement of these people and objects. The camera records how often the object has passed through each counting corridor within a certain period of time.

Using the VMS MxManagementCenter, the numbers from several cameras can be accumulated, so that a total number is obtained for several counting corridors (e.g., entrances/exits).

The special feature of MxAnalytics AI is the Deep Learning based object recognition, which allows individual analysis, e.g. “count only people or only bikes”. Currently, the following object classes are detectable:

Person, Bicycle, Car, Motorcycle, Airplane, Bus, Train, Truck, Boat, Bird, Cat, Dog, Horse, Sheep, Cow, Elephant, Bear, Zebra, Giraffe.

In a heat map, the most frequented locations in the detection are color-coded. Furthermore movements in defined restricted areas can be detected.

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